A new normal

Jenn: I’m settling into this new reality as best I can. Like everyone else, I have good days and bad. I try to be gentle with myself and to celebrate the small victories, like when I buckled my bra by myself for the first time in months!

I try to be gentle with myself and to celebrate the small victories, like when I buckled my bra by myself for the first time in months! I get frustrated with how hard some things still are and with the continued numbness in my hands and feet, but Christmas day I’ll be four months post-surgery which really isn’t all that long given the severity of my injury and surgery. At this stage, I’m processing my emotions through this blog and hoping to raise awareness about the real-life struggles of a person with physical disabilities. I hope you noticed what I did there…” a person with physical disabilities” is people centered language instead of “the disabled” or “the differently abled.” We are people first and we are not defined by our limitations.

I’m keeping this one short…I know I promised to keep these short after the first one, but I big fat went and made them long anyway! I’m sorry for that, but I truly hope processing my journey with you has helped you in some way to help others and to show compassion to those around you.