Don't be Creepy

It’s been a while because I’m busy…and I love to binge TV. I have a story about being gay in a straight world BUT the only part of my story that is gay is me. So here we go! Today, I accompanied the CEO and CFO and COO of our business to a business meeting with associates (she met with a couple who is getting married). So clearly as I am not fit for business meetings in general, I went inside to work on my day job. While inside, I peeped a hot chick outside and decided to sneak a pic on the cell phone.

A gal walked up and screamed “HEY!! DON’T TAKE A PICTURE OF A WOMAN WITHOUT HER KNOWLEDGE!” I said, “Gahhh she’s my wiiiiife and I can see her from here and I thought she was cute, so I took a picture and I’m a girl not a creeper [sorry fellas].” She said, “Mmmmmhmm, I’m watching you, girl.” She then proceeded to sit across from me in a fancy chair and glare at me. I loved every bit of this interaction, and it is because I was immersed into a world where homosexuality wasn’t the undesirable attribute I possessed. This gal didn’t aggress me because I am gay. She aggressed me because I was being CREEPY!! The lesson? I don’t have one. JK! I do. People are always going to find something to complain about. It might be that you have your hat on sideways (don’t do that though). It might be that you’re are so super gay! It could be you’re out taking creepy pictures of ladies at coffee shops(see disclosure at below). BE YOURSELF and when someone yells at you remember it is likely not about YOU. It is their problem. Disclosure: Safe Spaces Weddings does not condone creepiness in coffee shops unless you are documenting your precious wife from afar.